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欧洲安全联盟European Safety Federation在4月7日更新了更多PPE-颗粒防护口罩(FFP2/FFP3)的虚假或无效CE证书名单。(来源:https://eu-esf.org/covid-19/4513-covid-19-suspicious-certificates-for-ppe)
欧盟对于颗粒防护口罩相应的法规为(EU)2016/425 PPE Regulation。
So far we have seen ‘certificates’ on letterhead (or using their logo and/or name) of the following institutes based in Europe (examples at the bottom of this page) :
l ICR Polska - see update 31/03/2020 and 06/04/2020 below
l CELAB - see statement on their webpage https://celab.com/en/coronavirus/
l ISET (Instituto Servizi Europei Technologici) - on their website they have a page with false certificates - see http://www.iset-italia.eu/index/service/fal.html
l ECM (Ente Certificazione Macchine) - also a picture of a mask with identification number of the notified body ECM 1282 next to CE - ECM is not a notified body for PPE, so this marking is certainly not valid) - see update 03/04/2020 below
l Amtre Veritas
l STS Inspection and Certification
l VIC Testing and Certification
l BSI : we have also added an example of a 'certificate of compliance' issued by 'BSI, London' which is clearly (and confirmed by them) not issued by the Notified Body for PPE BSI.
l BSI : we have an example of a BSI EU Type Examination Certificate that has clearly been changed and is thus a fake document - this is confirmed by the Notified Body for PPE BSI.
So far we have seen ‘certificates’ on letterhead (or using their logo and/or name) of the following institutes based in China (examples at the bottom of this page) :
l CIC (Shenzhen CIC Testing Technology)
l Huaxun (Shenzhen HX Detect Certification)
l ENC (East Notice Certification Service)
l HTT (Shenzhen HTT Technology)
l ITC (Shenzhen ITC Product Testing)
l BTK (Guangzhou Bestek Testing Services)
l Micez (Shanghai MICEZ Testing & Technical)
l Huawin (Shenzhen Huawin Testing Certification)
l LTT (Shengzhen LTT Testing Technology)
l AST.LAB (Aerospace Testing Technology (Shenzhen)
Also 'declaration of conformity' on letterhead of institutes (or using their logo and/or name) that are clearly not compliant with the EU PPE legislation (examples at the bottom of this page) :
Nova Certification (based in Greece) - the Notified Body Nova (not notified for PPE assessment but for other types of products) confirmed that the example of the 'declaration of conformity' is a fake document
GTS (Global Testing Services, based in China)